Training Program Information
On April 24-25, 2017 and then again on April 26-27, the Northwest Association of Title IX Administrators in concert with Central Washington University will be hosting a two-day Forensic Experiential Trauma Interview (FETI) training at Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Washington. The conference will be held in the Wellington Event Center.
The Forensic Experiential Interview enables effective evidence gathering, reduces the inaccuracy of the information provided by the victim during an interview and greatly enhances the understanding of the traumatized person’s experience. Key to this interview technique is the neurobiology of trauma, which enables investigators to understand how victims, due to automatic reactions by their brains, actually experienced the assaults and recorded them into memory.
Training will include instruction on:
- Collecting Experiential Information
- The Forensic Experiential Trauma Interview Technique
- Best Practices when Working with Trauma Victims
- How to Document an Experiential Interview
- Key Brain Circuitries that Determine Responses during Sexual Assault
- Normal and Brain-Based but Commonly Misunderstood Sexual Assault Experiences and Behaviors
- Tonic Immobility, Collapsed Immobility, and Dissociation
- The Neurobiology of Traumatic Memory
- Key Principles of Memory Encoding, Storage, and Retrieval
Training FLYER
Hotel Information
For FETI Training Session 1 (April 24-25, 2017)
For FETI Training Session 2 (April 26-27, 2017)
REGISTRATION (Space is limited to 40 at each session)
If you would like to pay by purchase order, please submit the purchase order to:
Juli Dunn
Board President
c/o 345 Boyer Avenue
Walla Walla, WA 99362